La óptica de rayos X suele ser un tema serio. Aquí se presentan algunas contribuciones entretenidas o simplemente gráficamente bellas.
X-ray Prism Lenses: Season's Greetings 2019
Fresnel-CRL: Season's Greetings 2018
Zoom-CRL: Season's Greetings 2017
CRL: Season's Greetings 2017
LIGA-CRLs: Season's Greetings 2015
CRLs: Season's Greetings 2014
XPL-demonstrator: decoration of a doctoral cap, 8.3.2010
XPL-fish swimming between sea anemones: Season's Greetings 2010
CRLs: Season's Greetings 2007
"1. Karlsruhe optics joust": knights with LIGA-CRL lances ©03