As X-rays accompany us since more than 100 years, there have been founded several museums and collections dealing with the history of X-rays or with the heritage of W. C. Roentgen. A list of these museums or collections is given here:
Museum | Specialities | Since when? Place? |
Antique X-ray Tubes and Accessories | Zahi N. Hakim's private collection of different types of X-ray tubes; visits after appointment possible |
Since about 1968 Beirut, Lebanon |
ARPANSA-collection | Collection of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, including some X-ray tubes | Melbourne, Australia |
Belgian Museum of Radiology | Belgian Museum of Radiology has an original feature: it is integrated into the daily activity of the medical imaging service of a hospital. 1500 exhibits. |
Since 1990 Military hospital, Bruynstreet 2, 1120 Brussels, Europe |
Boerhaave Museum (search: "rontgen") | Boerhaave Museum of the History of Science and Medicine, 400 years of various sciences viewed in 24 rooms on two levels; including some X-ray tubes and medical imaging machines |
Since 1991 Lange St. Agnietenstraat 10 |
Bulb museum | Stanislav Slabyhoudek's bulb museum including X-ray tubes | Kralupy nad Vltavou (30 km from Prague), Czech Republic, Europe |
Cathode ray tube collection | Collection of old electronic glassware of Henk Dijkstra, mainly cathode ray, Geissler and Crookes tubes (ancestors of X-ray tubes) and some X-ray tubes; presented only via internet | Friesland, Netherlands, Europe |
Deutsches Roentgen-Museum |
- W. C. Roentgens life, all kinds of applications of X-rays and many instruments like kymograph, orthodiagraph, transversal-planigraph, mammograph etc. - Library with 17.000 volumes and 150 journals about X-ray physics, techniques and medical technology in the house of birth of W. C. Roentgen 150 m from the museum - Radiation protection courses and courses for schools - Seat of the "Gesellschaft der Freunde und Foerderer des Deutschen Roentgen-Museums Remscheid-Lennep e.V." (association of the friends and promoters of the German Roentgen-museum Remscheid-Lennep), nominating candidates for the "Roentgen-Plakette" (Roentgen-medal) - Extended in 2006, the new "Deutsches Roentgen-Museum" now on 2.100 m2 exhibition area, guided tours every hour |
Since 1932 Schwelmer-Strasse 41, Remscheid-Lennep, Germany, Europe |
Electrotherapy Museum |
Electrotherapy Museum is a private collection including some X-ray tubes |
Since 1996 Contact: Jeff Behary, jeff_ |
Historical Instrumentation Collection | "Historical Instrumentation Collection" of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities including X-ray tubes, managed by Dr. Paul Frame |
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tennessee, USA |
Historisches Glasapparatemuseum Cursdorf | Historisches Glasapparatemuseum Cursdorf: technical glassware, X-ray tubes in action: Thursdays, 13-15h | Cursdorf, Germany, Europe |
Jogi's Roehrenbude | Jochen Gittel's collection of vacuum valves including some X-ray tubes (search there "Röntgen"); presented only via internet | Germany, Europe |
"Lampes & tubes"-Museum | Collection of tubes of Giorgio Basile, also X-ray tubes; visits after appointment possible | Nivelles, Belgium, Europe |
Museum of IRO | Mainly capillary optics, X-ray optical systems, X-ray optics, X-ray devices, awards the "Institute for Roentgen Optics (IRO)" has obtained |
Since 2000 Chasovaja 28, build 64/A, in NPP “Radij”, 125315 Moscow, Russia |
Museum of Radiology Palermo | The Museum is located in the Radiology Institute, sharing the spaces occupied by the most sophisticated and modern devices |
Since 1995 Viale delle Scienze (Parco d'Orleans), 90128 Palermo, Italy, Europe |
Collection of X-ray tubes in the polytechnic museum in Opole, Poland. |
Since 2011 ul. Prószkowska 76, budynek V, piętro III |
X-ray equipment collection in the Powerhouse Museum, part of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, presents exhibitions and programs "based on the ideas and technologies that have changed our world". It's purpose is "to enable visitors to discover and be inspired by human ingenuity". |
Since 1880 500 Harris Street Ultimo, Sydney NSW 1238, Australia |
Roentgen-Gedaechtnisstaette Wuerzburg | Roentgen memorial museum in Wuerzburg, where W. C. Roentgen discovered the X-rays. |
Roentgen-Gedaechtnisstaette Wuerzburg, Röntgenring 8, |
Science museum | The Roentgen Society collection of X-ray tubes |
Since 1851 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2DD, UK |
Technikmuseum Schweiz | The "Technikmuseum Schweiz" includes 2500 electro technique exhibits including X-ray technique; presented only via internet | Swiss, Europe |
The Bakken Museum | Collection of any X-ray artifacts; based on a collection of the company Medtronic, a manufacturer of biomedical engineering devices founded by Earl Bakken |
Since 1975 3537 Zenith Avenue South |
Tube collection | Tube collection of Udo Radtke: 8000 tubes, some of them X-ray tubes; exposed in a 48 m2 room; visits (max. 4 persons) after appointment possible |
Since about 1984 Im Füchtei 143, 33334 Gütersloh, Germany, Europe |
Tube museum | Technical valve collection of Thomas Rapp, including X-ray tubes | Germany, Europe |
UIHC Medical Museum | University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics; exposition: "The Trail of Invisible Light: A Century of Medical Imaging" |
Since 1989 200 Hawkins Drive |
Vintage X-ray museum | The Vintage X-Ray Museum is a "Not for Profit" Organization for the preservation, restoration and advancement of historical materials and equipment. |
Since 1998 West Palm Beach, Florida, USA |
Virtual Museum of the SAMHS | Virtual Museum of the South Australian Medical Heritage Society Inc (SAMHS); including some X-ray tubes and medical imaging machines |
Sydney, Australia |
X-ray tube museum Poland | Private collection of X-ray tubes of Grzegorz Jezierski | Since 2008
G. Jezierski, ul. Akacjowa 22, 46-020 Czarnowąsy k/Opola, Poland, Europe |